Thursday, January 19, 2017

Theresa May trade speech (UK) / Anton #3

Theresa stressed that the UK will be the center of the "strongest and most forceful advocate for free markets and free trade anywhere in the world". Throughout the speech, May states how the UK will be open to all markets. This is ironic, carrying off the back of Brexit. She states that making a new deal with the EU will be difficult. May also accused global elites as being the causes for backlash against globalization, they couldn't make enough people feel like it was working for them. She said that the backlash made people think their jobs will be outsourced and their wages undercut. EU business leaders reacted by stating the obvious, the UK chose control over migration in return for leaving the worlds largest market. "You cannot have all the advantages of being the member of the club when you're out of the club," said the EU Commissioner for Economic and Financial Affairs, France's Mr Moscovici. 

It was funnily odd how May could criticize the global elite as being responsible for backlash against globalization, addressing those people directly sitting in-front of her at the Economic Summit in Davos. She suggested that the elites werent taking on their roles fully by paying their taxes and taking social responsibility. May needs these elites to bring billions of investment and to have confidence in Brexit. She said: "This is not about propping up failing industries or picking winners but creating the conditions where winners can emerge and grow." May however is also being a bit hypocritical, saying at Davos that she is looking out for the little guy, while proposing to make Britain the best tax-haven in Europe.

This ties in to the entire globalization aspect of ApCoPo and how external pressures of a globalizing, changing economy can shape internal policy. Distant markets change wages, taxes, domestic policies. She is trying to strike a balance in an unsure Britain, between the protectionists and appeasing the liberal populace and global western economy.

1 comment:

  1. Foreign trade is very important for globalization. If a nation trades with another and now is in debt with them. The debt owner wants that country to succeed because they owe them money. No one wants the U.S. to fail since we are debt to many others.
